Little somethings

Her hair leaps into my hands, clinging to the plastic comb she hates. I let it go and immediately, like blown by some unseen wind, it rushes to cover her small round face. The cackle of static electricity sounds as I swap the comb for the hairbrush and run it through the length of the hair. There are no knots, but I continue brushing. Her little face shows extreme impatience, and she’s begun to shift around uncomfortably in the high backed wooden chair she sits on.

Hold still, I murmur, enjoying the smooth silky hair, but she won’t. She is too anxious to be off. Her mother had leaned into the strokes. Her mother was a little lady, unlike this one, who was tomboy if I ever saw one.

Enough, please! Comes her still sharp voice, and she jumps off the chair. Her legs had dangled well off the floor when seated. She grabs my hands, the contrast of my dry wrinkled calloused hands – softened by time alone – and her pink fat little hands strikes me suddenly. I feel old. She suddenly kisses my hands and takes off, to her friends. To her life.


19 responses to “Little somethings

  1. Granny! πŸ™‚
    With her love so undiluted. And her amazing stories and pickles and sweets.
    I wish I could be with her now.

  2. not necessarily granny, you know…not yet, camphor, not yet…

  3. granny and those magical stories and those yummy sweets
    liked what you wrote

  4. Hmm. Can so relate to it. Though I am no granny, neither a little girl. Not a girl, either. The number of times I’ve seen my sister do it. Twitch restlessly while my granny tries hard to control her with her quivering hands. Nice post. Nothing complicated. Nothing complex. Just another incident that you see in your life that your life later makes you forget. Makes one think.

  5. I have not been more happy than when playing with children . In their innocence , lies a hint of what happiness can be . Long time πŸ™‚

  6. Hey my blog url has changed…..
    make sure u update ur template/blogrolls…

  7. she used to lie on her stomach on bed, studying and I would sit on her back and comb her hair for hours – meanwhile talking to her all the time abt her books and she would temme science things!!!

    I miss Akka :((

  8. I remember when my gran used to comb my hair. Take loads of coconut oil, and with efficiency smooth out the knots and plat it. We used to sit in the ‘thinnai’ facing all the banyan trees. With the birds, butterflies..

    Thankyou for bringing back fond memories. πŸ™‚

  9. Wriju ~ They really are something else, these women with their dynamism and energy. πŸ™‚

    Monk ~ Definately not yet. πŸ˜€ But what to do, we are like this only… seriously, sometimes I think I’m too young to feel this old.

    myowntrip ~ Thank you. πŸ™‚ Even though there were no sweets and stories in what I wrote.

    Individualist ~ Thanks for dropping by on my blog.
    Aren’t the little somethings the things that are worth remembering?

    Harish ~ They are also what you were. What made us grow up adn lose that wide eyed innocence?

    Mr. Gawde ~ Thank you. Long time, no see. πŸ™‚

    Stamping Authority ~ Will do.

    ASSish – Won’t you see her again, soon, though?

    incognito ~ Loads of coconut hair and fond memories? I still shrink from that … er… smell. πŸ™‚ You’re welcome.

  10. ur stories made me pleasent.simply superb sabaresan

  11. no way! she got a lil’ girl to take care of and a huge lab to run #-o too busy to call me since a month!

  12. Something so common, so everyday, and yet so profound. That was brilliant.

  13. beautiful. simple. and lovely.

  14. girl this is brilliant !!!

  15. So evocative and eloquent..miss my own grandmother.

  16. happy women’s day πŸ™‚

  17. hello women it’s time to update why have you gone into hiding
    we want more

  18. Lovely post,I wonder what made you come up with lines as gr8 as those.So subtle,so true,so ecstatic.Thoroughly enjoyed it.
    BTW thnx for dropping by,keep visiting.

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